8 Ways You Can Use Tech to Make Your Next Event More Interactive

Steven Kryger
3 min readJul 4, 2018


I have managed many events and I can tell you that no one runs an event with the goal of seeing attendees bored and disengaged.

And while technology can’t make a bad speaker good, it can be used to make events more fun, more interactive and of greater benefit to everyone involved.

Photo by Abet Llacer from Pexels

Here are 8 ways you can make the most of the latest technology to craft more engaging events.

Make Question Time Fun

“Tired of waiting for the handheld microphone to be passed around, we thought; what about making it throwable ? Turns out, not only is this faster, but it also makes events more engaging and fun.”

This is Catchbox — “the world’s first throwable microphone.”

Share What Delegates Are Saying

Services such as LiveTweetApp, Everwall and TweetBeam enable you to project onto a screen what delegates are saying online about your event. These can be gathered from Twitter and Instagram, and moderated before being shared.

Crowdsource Questions

Services such as Glisser and Sli.do enable attendees to easily ask a question. These can be displayed on a screen, and other attendees can also vote on the questions — with the most popular questions rising to the top of the list.

Run a Competition

Services such as Crowdpurr, Engagenow and Mentimeter enable you to pit attendees against each other in a game of trivia or last man standing.

Host an Online Discussion

Services such as Engagenow and PollEvent allow you to open up a space for attendees to continue to discuss what they have been learning at your event. This is useful for connecting attendees who have similar interests or want to dig deeper into specific topics.

Poll the Audience

Services such as Glisser, Mentimeter and Poll Everywhere enable you survey your attendees. These surveys or polls can take a variety of forms — yes/no questions, multiple choice, votes, word clouds and more.

For example, you could ask attendees:

  • The first thing that comes into their mind when they hear the word…
  • If they are having a good time at your event.
  • The biggest challenge they are facing at the moment.
  • Who is attending for the first time.
  • Which pitch they preferred.
This is a sample of some of the poll options available with Mentimeter.

Share the Presentation

With services such as Presentain, PartiPoll and Swipe you can send attendees a link to the presentation slides. Not only can they follow along (and review slides that they missed), they can also interact with the presentation.

This is Swipe



Steven Kryger

Digital Marketing Specialist and Productivity Enthusiast.